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Ladies Meeting

At The Knitting Elves we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others.


The Knitting Elves at a Glance

The Joyous feeling

Can you imagine the feeling you will get when you walk down the street and happen to pass someone wearing a pair of mittens you designed and donated? In advance I would like to thank all involved for their help, their time, and their donations.

Without your support this program wouldn't be where it's at today.

(Marie Williams, Brenda Mayhew, Maurice Mayhew)


Volunteer Opportunities

Become a Knitting Elf

Colorful yarn

Donation Drop-Off

Get Involved

Volunteer Opportunities

Want to join our team but don't have a knitting bone in your body? No problem, we're always looking for help spreading the word. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and all help every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.

Phone: 613 354 9906

Become a Knitting Elf

Are you interested in knitting mittens for a good cause? We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to actively get involved. Please call with any questions about how you can  become a knitting elf today.


Phone: 613 354 9906

Make a Donation

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making The Knitting Elves an even better Humanitarian Organization than it already is. To make a donation of knitted item or wool please contact us.

Phone: 613 354 9906


Heather Brown

Hi Brenda 
Can’t wait to hear what’s going on. Having a great time making mittens and hats!

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Terri Wilson

I've mastered the art of the crocheted mitten and hope to have a batch for next year's baskets.

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Carol Frizzell

Wonder if trading patterns would be of interest?  I recall the lady I sat beside last Fall at our gathering seemed in awe of the variety.

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Valerie Lynds - New Legacy Centre Coordinator

    Two WalMart gift cards were delivered  to us a few weeks ago that your group had donated to the Lions Club for the Christmas Basket. It was explained that they were purchased with the intentional use for personal care items.
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for passing them on to New Legacy Centre! As part of our Food Bank supplies, women are sometimes looking for such items and they are in short supply on our shelves. We will use the gift cards to purchase such items as deodorant, sanitary products, panty liners etc. for our shelves.
     Again - Thank you so very much for your generosity!

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Robbie White

This is your Testimonial quote. Give your customers the stage to tell the world how great you are!

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                We would like to encourage everyone to send in your testimonial or notes of what this group means to you.    


Heather Brown

Hi Brenda 
Can’t wait to hear what’s going on. Having a great time making mittens and hats!

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Terri Wilson

I've mastered the art of the crocheted mitten and hope to have a batch for next year's baskets.

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Carol Frizzell

Wonder if trading patterns would be of interest?  I recall the lady I sat beside last Fall at our gathering seemed in awe of the variety.

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Valerie Lynds - New Legacy Centre Coordinator

    Two WalMart gift cards were delivered  to us a few weeks ago that your group had donated to the Lions Club for the Christmas Basket. It was explained that they were purchased with the intentional use for personal care items.
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for passing them on to New Legacy Centre! As part of our Food Bank supplies, women are sometimes looking for such items and they are in short supply on our shelves. We will use the gift cards to purchase such items as deodorant, sanitary products, panty liners etc. for our shelves.
     Again - Thank you so very much for your generosity!

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Robbie White

This is your Testimonial quote. Give your customers the stage to tell the world how great you are!

Learn More

                We would like to encourage everyone to send in your testimonial or notes of what this group means to you.    

2017 First Year
At A Glance


2017  Presenting Cheque To Lions

We raised an amazing $2,100 and supplied items for 24 baskets. (Brenda Mayhew, Steve Williams)

2018  Second  Year
At A Glance

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2018  Presenting Cheque To Lions

We raised an amazing $1,800 and supplied items for 27 baskets. (Brenda Mayhew, Steve Williams)

2019 Third Year At A Glance

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2019  Presenting Cheque To Lions

We raised an amazing $1,100 and supplied items for 34 baskets. (Brenda Mayhew, Steve Williams)

2020 Fourth Year At A Glance

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2020 Samples of Mittens Donated

We raised an amazing $1,845 and supplied items and gift cards for 30 baskets. Due to COVID we were unable to have our meeting, but many ladies did meet me in the parking lot to pass over their donation.

2021 Fifth Year At A Glance


2021 Outside Meeting With Knitters

We raised an amazing $5,769.00 with the help from Lansing Gallery from quilt Sales. We supplied items (Mittens, Hats, Scarfs etc..) and 93 gift cards for 42 Christmas hampers. Due to COVID we were again unable to have our meeting. Many ladies did meet me in the parking lot to pass over their donation.


At Lansing Gallery in Napanee.
with staff and some Lions showing quilt pieces.

2022 Sixth Year At A Glance

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2022 Picture at meeting in Newburgh

We raised an amazing $3,366.00 with sales for the year. We supplied items (Mittens, Hats, Scarfs etc..) and 114 gift cards for 68 Christmas hampers. It was great to be able to get back into the hall again for our meeting with many new faces also attending. The amount of donated items was amazing with a wide of variety. 

2023 Seventh Year At A Glance


2023 Picture at meeting in Newburgh

We raised an amazing $ 4,465.00 with sales for the year. We supplied (Mittens, Hats, Scarfs etc..) and 135 gift cards for over 70 Christmas hampers. Many were able to attend the meeting with many new faces again this year attending. The amount of donated items allowed us to do the Christmas hampers, and again this year the 3 schools and also a good start for next year. 

Lions Show November 2023


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Get in touch with The Knitting Elves to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

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